How to Prepare Your Preschooler for Their Day

Mar 17, 2021


A lot happens in a preschooler’s day, and young students need to be well-prepared for the social, cognitive, and emotional learning they'll go through. If you have a young child who attends preschool, learn how you can help them get ready for school each day.

Go Them to Bed on Time

Start by making sure your child goes to bed on time each night. Exactly when preschoolers should be in bed varies from family to family, and the best time for your child will depend on their schedule, your schedule, and your family's lifestyle. Whatever time you decide is best for them, however, stick to it. Regularly get your child to bed on time.

Help Them Get to Sleep

Getting your child into bed will almost certainly be the biggest challenge in this process, but just getting to bed on time isn't sufficient for night-before preparation. In addition to physically getting your preschooler into bed, you need to help them get to sleep. Discover the three main things you should do so your preschooler can sleep once they are in bed.

1. Eliminate Sugar From Post-Dinner Snacks and Beverages

Shortly after having a lot of sugar, children often experience a sugar rush and become hyperactive. If a sugar rush occurs during bedtime or after your child is in bed, your child’s hyperactivity could be counterproductive to getting them to sleep. Cutting out sugars after dinner is an easy way to prevent potential bedtime sugar rushes.

2. Build a Calming Period Into Your Child's Bedtime Routine

A calming period will give your child a chance to decompress and process their day. Your child will be able to clear their mind so they can have a peaceful night of rest. Reading books, telling stories, and singing songs are all good calming activities.

3. Institute a No-Screens Rule at Bedtime if You Haven't Already

No one, least of all preschoolers, should be looking at a smartphone, tablet, or television while in bed. Blue light emitted by screens has been shown to keep people awake, so consider taking the screen away at bedtime.

  • Prepare the Night Before
  • Before you go to bed, make sure that all of your child's things are ready for the next morning. Depending on what they need, you might:
  • Lay out their clothes
  • Put together a snack and lunch
  • Gather snow gear (during winter)
  • Pack a backpack

Taking care of these items the night before reduces how much stress you will feel in the morning. If you're in a rush to get out the door, being prepared will help everyone leave one time. Even if you don't need to hurry in the morning, getting things ready will let you better enjoy the morning and show your preschooler what it means to be responsible.

Wake Up Early in the Morning

Many preschoolers don't need help waking up early in the morning, but you might. Get up early enough so that you and your child can have a relaxing morning. You don't need to cook a four-course breakfast, but even just having a bowl of cereal together will help both of you connect and set the tone for the day.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Make breakfast for your child, and make sure it's a healthy meal. Filling foods that will sustain them until snack time will ensure they don't become hangry — hungry and angry. Unhealthy foods laden with sugar may fill your preschooler up, but they could lose focus before snack time.

Your investment in preschool and getting ready for each day of class will pay dividends later in your preschooler’s life. To learn more about the benefits of preschool or enroll your child in a preschool program, contact us at Small World Early Learning and Development Center.

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